Class AbstractSignatureParameters<TP extends SerializableTimestampParameters>

Type Parameters:
TP - implementation of certain format signature parameters
All Implemented Interfaces:
SerializableSignatureParameters, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:
CAdESSignatureParameters, JAdESSignatureParameters, XAdESSignatureParameters

public abstract class AbstractSignatureParameters<TP extends SerializableTimestampParameters> extends AbstractSerializableSignatureParameters<TP>
Parameters for a Signature creation/extension
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • context

      protected ProfileParameters context
      The internal signature processing variable
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractSignatureParameters

      protected AbstractSignatureParameters()
      Default constructor instantiating object with null values
  • Method Details

    • getContentTimestamps

      public List<TimestampToken> getContentTimestamps()
      Returns the list of the TimestampToken to be incorporated within the signature and representing the content-timestamp.
      List of TimestampToken
    • setContentTimestamps

      public void setContentTimestamps(List<TimestampToken> contentTimestamps)
      Sets a list of content timestamps to be included into the signature
      contentTimestamps - a list of TimestampTokens
    • getDetachedContents

      public List<DSSDocument> getDetachedContents()
      This method returns the documents to sign. In the case of the DETACHED signature this is the detached document.
      the list of detached documents
    • setDetachedContents

      public void setDetachedContents(List<DSSDocument> detachedContents)
      When signing this method is internally invoked by the AbstractSignatureService and the related variable detachedContent is overwritten by the service parameter. In the case of the DETACHED signature this is the detached document. In the case of ASiC-S this is the document to be signed.

      When extending this method must be invoked to indicate the detachedContent.

      detachedContents - the list of detached documents
    • getSigningCertificate

      public CertificateToken getSigningCertificate()
      Get the signing certificate
      the signing certificate
    • setSigningCertificate

      public void setSigningCertificate(CertificateToken signingCertificate)
      Set the signing certificate. The encryption algorithm is also set from the public key.
      signingCertificate - the signing certificate
    • getSignedData

      public byte[] getSignedData()
      Get signed data
      signed data binaries
    • setSignedData

      public void setSignedData(byte[] signedData)
      Set signed data
      signedData - data that was used when creating the signature value.
    • getCertificateChain

      public List<CertificateToken> getCertificateChain()
      Set the certificate chain
      the certificate chain
    • setCertificateChain

      public void setCertificateChain(List<CertificateToken> certificateChain)
      Set the certificate chain
      certificateChain - the List of CertificateTokens
    • setCertificateChain

      public void setCertificateChain(CertificateToken... certificateChainArray)
      This method sets the list of certificates which constitute the chain. If the certificate is already present in the array then it is ignored.
      certificateChainArray - the array containing all certificates composing the chain
    • getDeterministicId

      public String getDeterministicId()
      The deterministic identifier used for unique identification of a created signature (used in XAdES and PAdES). The identifier shall be built in a deterministic way to ensure the same value on both method calls during the signature creation.
      the unique ID for the current signature or a document
    • getContext

      public ProfileParameters getContext()
      Gets the signature creation context (internal variable)
    • reinit

      public void reinit()
      This method re-inits signature parameters to clean temporary settings