Interface ASiCWithCAdESFilenameFactory

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultASiCWithCAdESFilenameFactory, SimpleASiCWithCAdESFilenameFactory

public interface ASiCWithCAdESFilenameFactory extends Serializable
This interface is used to provide filenames for newly created ZIP-entries during a signature creation or extension for an ASiC with CAdES containers. NOTE: Names of signature, timestamp or manifest files shall be defined with leading "META-INF/" string, specifying the target folder of the signature file within a container. As the same factory is used for ASiC-S and ASiC-E container types, it shall implement logic for both container types, when applicable. The type of the container can be obtained from asicContent.getContainerType() method.
  • Method Details

    • getSignatureFilename

      String getSignatureFilename(ASiCContent asicContent)
      Returns a filename for a signature file to be created
      asicContent - ASiCContent representing a content of an ASiC container
      String signature filename
    • getTimestampFilename

      String getTimestampFilename(ASiCContent asicContent)
      Returns a filename for a timestamp file to be created
      asicContent - ASiCContent representing a content of an ASiC container
      String timestamp filename
    • getManifestFilename

      String getManifestFilename(ASiCContent asicContent)
      Returns a filename of a manifest file to be created
      asicContent - ASiCContent representing a content of an ASiC container
      String manifest filename
    • getArchiveManifestFilename

      String getArchiveManifestFilename(ASiCContent asicContent)
      Returns a new filename of an archive manifest file to be moved. NOTE: ASiC-E with CAdES shall always create a new archive manifest with the same name, while moving the last existing archive manifest.
      asicContent - ASiCContent representing a content of an ASiC container
      String manifest filename
    • getDataPackageFilename

      String getDataPackageFilename(ASiCContent asicContent)
      Returns a name of a ZIP archive containing signed documents in case of an ASiC-E signature, when applicable
      asicContent - ASiCContent representing a content of an ASiC container
      String data package filename