Package eu.europa.esig.dss.jades
package eu.europa.esig.dss.jades
ClassesClassDescriptionUtility class for working with JSON objectsThe class represents an HTTP Header to be signed See ETSI TS 119 182-1 " Mechanism HttpHeaders" The class shall be used only for JAdES detached
mechanismAn HTTP message body, which 'Digest' representation is being signed with 'sigD' HTTP_HEADERS mechanismThe signature scope used to define the HTTPHeader message bodyThe signature scope used to define the signed payload with HTTPHeader SigD MechanismDefines a list of JAdES header names as in ETSI TS 119 182-1The parameters to create/extend a JAdES signatureThe parameters to create a JAdES timestampRepresents a wrapper of a Map with JsonObject methodsThe class is used to parse a Compact JWSDefines JSON headers for a JWS Signature (RFC 7515)Contains utils for a JAdES signature format conversionCrates a JWS Serialization signatureA container with JWS signature attributesThe Parser used to create aJWSJsonSerializationObject
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