Class ExternalResourcesCRLSource

All Implemented Interfaces:
MultipleRevocationSource<CRL>, RevocationSource<CRL>, Serializable

public class ExternalResourcesCRLSource extends OfflineCRLSource
This class allows to provide a CRL source based on the list of external CRL(s).
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ExternalResourcesCRLSource

      public ExternalResourcesCRLSource(String... paths)
      This constructor allows building of a CRL source from an array of resource paths.
      paths - paths to be loaded as CRL
    • ExternalResourcesCRLSource

      public ExternalResourcesCRLSource(InputStream... inputStreams)
      This constructor allows building of a CRL source from an array of InputStreams.
      inputStreams - an array of InputStreams to be loaded as CRL
    • ExternalResourcesCRLSource

      public ExternalResourcesCRLSource(DSSDocument... dssDocuments)
      This constructor allows building of a CRL source from an array of DSSDocuments.
      dssDocuments - an array of DSSDocuments to be loaded as CRL
  • Method Details