Package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.sav.checks
package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.sav.checks
ClassesClassDescriptionPerforms cryptographic validationChecks if all certificates in the path have the corresponding signing certificate referencesChecks if the certified roles are acceptableChecks if the claimed roles are acceptableChecks if the commitment type indications are acceptableChecks if the content hints are acceptableChecks if the content identifier is acceptableChecks if a content timestamp is presentChecks if the content type is acceptableChecks if a counter signature is present for the signatureCryptographicCheck<T extends XmlConstraintsConclusion>The cryptographic checkValidates the result of a cryptographic checkerThe wrapper for cryptographic information retrieved from a validation policyValidates Digest cryptographic constraintVerifies the
Class used to verify a DigestMatcherVerifies whether a value of the signed attribute 'kid' (key identifier), when present, matches the signing-certificate sued to create the signatureThis class verifies whether a 'kid' (key identifier) header parameter is present within the protected header of a signatureChecks if message-digest (CAdES/PAdES) or SignedProperties (XAdES) is presentVerifies the message-imprint cryptographic constraintsChecks if the signature validation result is acceptableChecks if the signer's location attribute is presentChecks if the signing certificate reference is presentVerifies a DigestAlgorithm used for a signing-certificate-referenceThis class verifies whether a usedeu.europa.esig.dss.enumerations.DigestAlgorithm
for a signing-certificate-reference signing-attribute is reliable and acceptable at validation timeChecks if a signing certificate reference is present and valid (all signingCertificate references refer the signature certificate chain)Checks if a claimed signing time is presentChecks if the structural validation of the signature succeedsChecks if the TSTInfo.tsa field is presentChecks if the TSTInfo.tsa field value matches the timestamp's issuer distinguishing nameChecks if the TSTInfo.tsa field value matches the timestamp's issuer distinguishing nameChecks if the only one reference to the signing certificate reference is present