Package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.qualification.certificate.checks
package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.qualification.certificate.checks
ClassesClassDescriptionChecks whether there are CA/QC TrustedServicesChecks if there are consistent by QC TrustedServices issues the certificate in question at control timeChecks if there are consistent by QSCD TrustedServices issues the certificate in question at control timeChecks if the certificate type has been identified at the given timeVerifies if a TrustedService(s) issuing the certificate have been foundGrantedStatusCheck<T extends XmlConstraintsConclusion>Verifies if the certificate has TrustedServices with a 'granted' statusChecks whether the validator was able to select one TrustedService (in condition that there is no conflict with other TrustedServices)Verifies if there is no conflict in certificate qualification determination result based on a use of different TrustedServicesThis class verifies whether the certificate content equivalence information has been applied for the certificateChecks whether the certificate was for QSCD at validation timeChecks whether the certificate is qualified at validation timeThis class verifies whether MRA enacted trusted services are presentChecks if the Trusted Service is consistentChecks if the ServiceDigitalIdentifier of the TrustedService matches the TrustedService nameChecks if a corresponding Trust Service found valid at control timeChecks if a trust service corresponding to the certificate type has been foundChecks if an acceptable Trust Service for a qualified certificate issuance found