Package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.qualification.signature.checks
package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.qualification.signature.checks
ClassesClassDescriptionAbstractTrustedListCheck<T extends XmlConstraintsConclusion>Abstract class verifying the validity of the Trusted ListVerifies whether the validation of a List of Trusted Lists is conclusiveVerifies whether the validation of aTrusted Lists is conclusiveVerifies whether acceptable Trusted Lists have been foundChecks whether AdES signature validation as per EN 319 102-1 succeededChecks if the certificate type has been successfully identified at best signing timeChecks whether the certificate has been for QSCD at signing timeChecks whether the certificate is qualified at certificate issuance timeChecks whether the certificate is qualified at signing timeChecks whether a Trusted List has been reached for the given certificate chain