Interface ProcessExecutor<R extends AbstractReports>

Type Parameters:
R - implementation of reports wrapper
All Known Subinterfaces:
CertificateProcessExecutor, DocumentProcessExecutor
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultCertificateProcessExecutor, DefaultSignatureProcessExecutor

public interface ProcessExecutor<R extends AbstractReports>
This interface allows to define how the validation process should be carried out.
  • Method Details

    • setCurrentTime

      void setCurrentTime(Date currentDate)
      This method allows to set the Date that is used during the validation process execution.
      currentDate - the current time
    • getCurrentTime

      Date getCurrentTime()
      Returns the validation time Date
    • setDiagnosticData

      void setDiagnosticData(XmlDiagnosticData diagnosticData)
      This method allows to set the XmlDiagnosticData that is used during the validation process execution.
      diagnosticData - the JAXB diagnostic data
    • setValidationPolicy

      void setValidationPolicy(ValidationPolicy validationPolicy)
      This method allows to set the validation policy that is used during the validation process execution.
      validationPolicy - the representation of the validation policy.
    • getValidationPolicy

      ValidationPolicy getValidationPolicy()
      This method returns the used ValidationPolicy
      the used validation policy
    • setLocale

      void setLocale(Locale locale)
      Allows to set a language setting for generated Reports
      locale - Locale
    • execute

      R execute()
      This method allows to run the validation process.
      the Reports